Geological and Paleontological Museum
A journey through ancient geological times, among rocks and caves of the Lessini Mountains, discovering ammonites, dinosaur footprints, cave bears and ancient prehistoric villages.

il museo
The museum exhibits fossils discovered in the Lessini Mountains and in many other locations
offering a journey through the evolution of life in the different geologic times.
Attilio Benetti
The museum was created thanks to Cav. Attilio Benetti, an emblematic figure that has shown
through his life how curiosity can bring to great scientific discoveries. Despite having attended
only primary schools, he was
able to combine his innate curiosity with a great passion for
Nature. Thanks to the abundant fossils
the area he has become one of the most
specialist in
in Italy. Author of several scientific publications and various
books on popular traditions, he has been
studying geology, magnetostratigraphy, speleology,
anthropology and folk legends and has remained until the last years in close relationships with
universities and scholars. The Museum and the Covolo di Camposilvano represent his legacy for
future generations

Some trails departing from the Museum allow to trek among green pastures, beech forests and
peculiar geological features, also leading to the typical villages of Lessinia (contrade), mountain
huts (malghe), and refreshment points where it is possible to enjoy the good local products.
The excursion at the small “Valley of the Sphinxes” allows walking among large blocks of rock,
whose morphology reminds the Egyptian sphinxes: these shapes form because of the different
response to karst erosion existing between the rock formations of the Rosso Ammonitico and the
Oolite of San Vigilio.
Visits for groups and school groups to the Museum, to the Covolo cave and in the surrounding
areas are provided upon reservation.

From the Museum, a gently steep trail, with steps and bordered by a fence, drives into the Covolo of
Camposilvano amphitheatre , in about five hundred meters. This s the remain of giant cavenr partially
collapsed in the millenia formed by karstic processes that have dissolved the limestone. Along the
trail, arch aeologists have found traces of Romans and ancient Lombard frequentation, while local
legends assure that the writer Dante Alighieri visited the area and found inspiration here for the
description of the descent into the Hell of the “Divina Commedia” poem.
The Covolo is a really suggestive karstic cavity, over 80 meters deep, constituting the residual cave of
an ancient huge an underground cave, which upper vault, constituted by strata of the Rosso Ammonitico rock
formation, collapsed. At the bottom of the cave during specific periods of the year it is possible to observe
a ice deposit from which Dante took inspiration for describing the frozen lake of Cocito.

About Us
Benetticeras APS Cultural Association
The Association was founded in June 1997 by the will of the Attilio Benetti with the original name of
Association Fossils Museum of Lessinia. Attilio Benetti was an internationally recognized researcher
and curator of the collection that constitutes the current Geopaleontological Museum of Camposilvano
The Association aims at the preservation and promotion of museums and natural sites of
geological, paleontological, prehistoric interest of Lessinia and Veneto. It started its activity with the
development and management of the Geopaleontological Museum of Camposilvano and of the
Covolo Cave, a didactic structure founded by Attilio Benetti in 1997. Since then it has carried out
initiatives of safeguard, promotion and research of the geological heritage, in collaboration with the
Regional Authority Park of Lessinia (Ente Parco Regionale della Lessinia) and the municipalities
of the area, also through the management of other sites and museums, such as the
Paleontological and Prehistoric Museum of Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo. Since 2020, the association has
started a new path to expand its field of action, starting to become APS
(Associazione di Promozione Sociale, Association for Social Promotion) and changing its name to Associazione Culturale
Benetticeras ( Cultural Association Benetticeras, denomination in force since December 18, 2020 with the
approval of a new statute). The new name of the Association is inspired by the
deceased founding member Attilio Benetti (1923-2013), who was engaged in all fields of research
and promotion of the cultural and environmental heritage of Lessinia, from Geology to Natural
Sciences, History, traditions. The new species of ammonite named after him, "Benetticeras",
symbolically represents the 360° interest, the spiritual testament and the heritage that he passed on
to us and that the Association is committed to enhance and increase towards both the inhabitants
of Lessinia, tourists and hikers.
Our Goals
To preserve, promote and manage the Museums of Lessinia
To carry out and promote studies in the field of naturalistic, geological, paleontological,
prehistoric, speleological, landscaped, anthropological and historical research
To sensitize the public, and especially young people, to the enhancement and protection of
cultural, naturalistic, geological, paleontological, prehistoric, speleological, landscape,
anthropological, historical heritage of Lessinia
To promote scientific and cultural initiatives and activities to safeguard the natural,
environmental, historical and cultural heritage in order to enhance the association's aims
To promote and coordinate cultural initiatives (conventions, trips, excursions, shows, cultural
events, recreational activities, exhibitions, support and supervision of degree theses, etc.) that
best serve the promotion of museum and cultural heritage of Lessinia
To produce didactic, promotional, technical and scientific editorial material related to the
museums and culture of Lessinia
To organize events to promote the museums and cultural conferences on Lessinia
To promote, conserve, and manage tourist visits in the museum structures, educational rooms,
and excursions to sites of naturalistic, landscaped and historical interest
To participate in conferences and events of scientific and divulgative nature
To collaborate with other associations with common purposes
- From the 15 th of June to the first week of september we are open all days with the exception of Monday, with the following times: 9.30 - 12. 30/15.00 - 18.00.
- From the first week of September to the 15 th of J anuary and from the 15th of March to the 14th of June we are open on Saturday, Sunday and holidays with the following times: 10.00 - 12.00/14.30 - 16.30.
- The Museum is closed from mid January to mid March. Special openings on request for groups and scholars though all the year.
- Full price: 4.00 €
- Reduced rate: 3.00 € (groups with 10 people or more, children from 6 to 15 years, scholars, adults over 70 years of age)
- Free entry for disabled people and children 6 years or younger